Our philanthropy is the Boys and Girls Club Chalmers, an after-school program located in East Austin that believes success is within reach of every child. They believe every boy and girl deserves a safe place to learn and grow through life-enhancing programs, character development experiences, and hope and opportunity for the future. The Texas Darlins believe in this generation of children, which is why you can find many of our members tutoring and playing with the children every afternoon.
Each Spring, the Texas Darlins join with the Boys and Girls Club to put on a fundraising event called BGC Jubilee, featuring a live artist and local food vendors to raise money for this cause.
Our philanthropic endeavors do not stop with our philanthropy. We take on several service projects throughout the year by partnering with Down Home Ranch, Keep Austin Beautiful, Texas Wranglers' City-Wide Hold Up, Texas THON, Texas 4000, and other events to give back to our community. Texas Darlins is one of the only student organizations at UT to receive an award from BP MS 150 for their outstanding service.

Texas Darlins is the official spirit group for Texas Basketball. However, we love to come early, get loud, stay late and wear orange to all UT sporting events! We also compete in intramural sports, such as flag football, softball, basketball and volleyball.

Each semester, we have one big sisterhood event every member attends so we can come together as an organization to celebrate each other! In addition, countless mini-sisterhood events ranging from movie nights and shopping to supporting fellow Darlins in their own activities take place.
In her first semester as a Darlin, each girl will receive a Big Sister. This person mentors her Little Sister through her first semester as a Darlin. A Big/Little event is planned to help the new Big/Little duos bond with each other and the rest of their class.

Faith Daniels, SECRETARY
Araceli pacheco, TREASURER
Valorie Marks, historian
Bailey Irvin , SERVICE
sandy tom, service
olivia osburn, baby Coordinator
Clarissa Flores, baby coordinator
Allison Hendon, spirit
anusia mansukhani, philanthropy
Toni Neal, basketball
Darian Kane-stolz, social
Wendy perez, uniform
anna ly, uniform